Class Strength

12 Kids


4.5 - 5.5 years


9.30 AM - 2 PM

Our main goals are

As the children go into their final year at Zing, we will work on developing increasingly specialized concepts and vocabulary, continuing to develop their independent reading skills, and their ability to express themselves in writing.

Though there is more emphasis on academics at this stage, the benefit of exploration, creativity and learning through play are still valued.

Cooperation, team work, sharing and caring are values we ripen through games, projects and activities. The Kindergarten children discover diplomacy as they get the chance to vote or make choices for themselves and the class. Further responsibilities are given to them too and they each have a chance to be the class helper, taking care of the class plant, setting a role model to the others.

Communication and comprehension skills are fortified in the UKG class as the conversations in circle time and during theme work become richer and the instructions for activities become more complex. Longer stories are read and more detailed rhymes are practiced.

New concepts are introduced, such as weight, time, money and the skill of addition /subtraction extended.

Time for creative exploration is just as important in the Kindergarten class as in the younger classes. Here the children develop their own styles as they draw and paint recognisable figures.

Movement, coordination and the development of gross and fine motor skills are an essential part of the curriculum.

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