Our Programs

Your Child’s First Step Begins Here

ZING International Preschool offers a comprehensive curriculum that addresses all aspects of your child’s learning and development.  A passion for teaching and a best-in-class mind-set are what drives our educators to nurture your child’s mind and instill strong values

Active Learning

You will find that our lesson plans and activities are designed to engage your child's mind and encourage him/her to ask questions. Through this process, your child is able to take in key information and gain knowledge while reflecting and thinking..

Progressive Learning

In this continuous process of learning, your child will connect what he/she has learned previously in order to reinforce what he/she knows regarding particular topics and themes..

Integrated Approach for Theme Based Learning

We incorporate a central theme across all learning domains to integrate learning activities for all levels. Meaningful experiences are provided to your child through purposeful play and quality interactions..

Experiential Learning

ZING International Preschool offers a variety of multisensory, hands-on activities throughout your child's journey. This allows children to understand and experience their environment as they observe, explore, and discover how things work around them.


We strive to accomplish the following goals:

The Playgroup class has a flexible schedule to meet the needs of these young individuals. During the child’s first two weeks of attendance, a settling-in schedule is implemented to gently welcome them to the group. This includes interesting and interactive activities that facilitate their social, physical, and cognitive development.


We strive to accomplish the following goals:

The children in preschool experience a variety of topics in social studies and sciences – beginning with familiar topics like class surroundings, family, and home and progressing to other topics they are interested in including Space, Dinosaurs, Mini Beasts, and Road Transportation. There are so many topics related to art, music, drama, story time, and cooking that the children enjoy.

Lower Kindergarten

We strive to accomplish the following goals

Once in the LKG class, the children start to explore further the world of Math, Language and Literature and they delve deeper into the Sciences and Knowledge and Understanding of the World. Through a combination of free-flow and teacher-led activities, the natural curiosity of each child is captured and their motivation to learn instilled. As their social circle naturally broadens, they are supported in learning to negotiate and deal with conflict in a positive manner. Cooperation, teamwork, sharing and caring are values we ripen through games, projects and activities.

Upper Kindergarten

Our main goals are

As the children go into their final year at Zing, we will work on developing increasingly specialized concepts and vocabulary, continuing to develop their independent reading skills, and their ability to express themselves in writing.


For many children, Daycare is their first experience of spending time away from their parents.

We provide a caring, warm environment that helps children to take this step without additional stress being placed upon the child.

Small classes with plenty of one-to-one interaction provide your child with the support they need from experienced teachers. To increase the engagement of children, we make use of their senses to stimulate their interest. Physical development is reinforced through activities such as Indoor & Outdoor Play time.

In addition, we promote independence through daily routines and support students as they develop independence, life skills, and show consideration for their friends.

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