
We strive to accomplish the following goals:
- To promote the development of the children by utilizing social and play-based learning
- To develop pre literacy skills and an in-depth understanding of phonics in order to build a solid foundation for the teaching of reading and writing from the beginning of LKG classes
The children in preschool experience a variety of topics in social studies and sciences – beginning with familiar topics like class surroundings, family, and home and progressing to other topics they are interested in including Space, Dinosaurs, Mini Beasts, and Road Transportation. There are so many topics related to art, music, drama, story time, and cooking that the children enjoy.
As part of our program, our children are also given the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities with their peers, laying the foundation for their future social development. Our fine motor skills are also enhanced by teaching them how to use scissors, glue, and writing implements.
In addition to being exposed to sight words, children will be able to develop basic reading and writing skills, which will help them with the transition to LKG. Furthermore, children start pre-writing activities in the second half of the year in preparation for handwriting practice.
There is an emphasis on communication between pre-schoolers and teachers, for instance during lunch and snack time. Playfully, the Pre-schoolers explore concepts like opposites, big and small, more and less, thick and thin to gain an understanding of the Numeracy area of learning. Mathematics concepts, such as number identification and numeral recognition, are reinforced through counting and action rhymes, number games and puzzles, and hands-on activities.
There is either a dramatic or physical emphasis in our regular Music and Movement classes. The child’s natural creative flow is enhanced through music and dance, which are specifically aimed at building confidence, strength, and stamina
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