Class Strength

12 Kids


3.5 - 4.5 years


9.30 AM - 2 PM

We strive to accomplish the following goals:

Once in the LKG class, the children start to explore further the world of Math, Language and Literature and they delve deeper into the Sciences and Knowledge and Understanding of the World. Through a combination of free-flow and teacher-led activities, the natural curiosity of each child is captured and their motivation to learn instilled. As their social circle naturally broadens, they are supported in learning to negotiate and deal with conflict in a positive manner. Cooperation, teamwork, sharing and caring are values we ripen through games, projects and activities.

Books and stories are read frequently and topics are discussed regularly, promoting listening and comprehension skills.

Shapes are explored in more depth, drawing, building, and designing using 2D and 3D shapes. The shapes are also sorted according to certain criteria; shape, size, colour or thickness.

Concepts such as quantity, weight and size are introduced using motivating and creative methods and including the use of the correct mathematical language.

Through visual retention activities and by setting manageable tasks each child’s concentration skills are trained.

More exploration of colour, media, patterns and design is promoted as well as improving their ability to use creative tools such as paint brushes, scissors and pencils more skilfully.

Movement, coordination and the development of gross and fine motor skills are an essential part of the curriculum.

Indoor and outdoor movement and sport lessons are incorporated into the weekly schedule. Through fun challenges and team games, specific skills are targeted, building up the child’s confidence, strength and stamina.

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